Zanda Zaļuma joins the drill. team
Hereby we would like to let you know that we have strengthened the drill of the law firm. inviting sworn lawyer Zanda Zaļuma to join the team.
Zanda has more than 15 years of experience in law, most of which was gained while working and later also co-heading the field of practice in one of the largest law firms in Latvia. Zanda was the leading lawyer in the Rail Baltica project, which provided her with invaluable knowledge and practical skills in the implementation of large and complex projects.
Zanda drill. will lead the Commercial Law and M&A practice in the office and will also be actively involved in developing the field of real estate and construction practice.
More information about Zanda can be found at https://drill.en/team/zanda-zaluma/
Thank you for your cooperation so far and at your service in the future!